Pall Rings are a traditional ring type random packing with a large global installed base and well documented performance history. Metal PallRing is an industry standard design media developed from the Raschigring and is used widely in all variety of applications.
By minimizing thenumber of contours and crevices that can cause liquid hold-up andpotential entrainment, the Metal pall ring geometry enables high gas andliquid transfer rates. The opened cylinder walls and inward bentprotrusions of the Metal pall Ring allow greater capacity and lower pressure drop than standard cylindrical rings.
This open ring design alsomaintains an even distribution and resists wall-channeling tendencies. Theinterior and exterior contacting surfaces of the metal pall ring provide foran effective distribution of liquids and gasses and resist plugging, foulingand nesting.
At Raga Precisions, Metal Pall Rings are available invarious forms of construction such asStainless Steel, Carbon Steel,Aluminium & Copper.